曲家鹏 研究员

2024-01-15 2024-01-15




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    立足青藏高原,以小哺乳动物为主要研究对象,基于整合生物学思想,开展种群生态学、动物行为学、有害生物防治等研究。与美国、加拿大、德国、新西兰、俄罗斯等国科学家建立广泛的合作关系,多次到新西兰、加拿大开展合作交流。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年、面上项目、中科院西部之光、青年创新促进会、青海省自然科学基金等30余项。在国内外期刊发表研究论文40余篇,其中SCI 论文30余篇。

        2019.11—至今 中科院澳门玄机网8627 研究员,博士生导师

        2013.7—2019.11 中科院澳门玄机网8627 副研究员,硕士生导师

        2011.7—2013.7 中科院澳门玄机网8627 助理研究员

        2015.3—2016.3 加拿大魁北克大学动物学 访问学者/博士后

        2008.9—2011.7 中科院澳门玄机网8627 生态学 博士

        2005.9—2008.7 中科院澳门玄机网8627 动物学 硕士

        2001.9—2005.7 曲阜师范大学 生物学 学士

1.Yibo Yu, Yun Wang, Liang Zhong, Jiapeng Qu*. (2021). Variations in behavioral and physiological traits in yearling Tibetan Sheep (Ovis aries). Animals 11(6):1676
2.Feng, T., Hilal, M. G., Wang, Y., Zhou, R., Yu, Q., Qu, J.*, Li, H. * (2021). Differences in gut microbiome composition and antibiotic resistance gene distribution between Chinese and Pakistani university students from a common peer group. Microorganisms, 9(6), 1152.
3.Qu, J. #*, Liu, Z., Guo, Z., Li, Y., Zhou, H. (2021). A System Dynamics model for assessing the efficacy of lethal control for sustainable management of Ochotona curzoniae on Tibetan Plateau. Sustainability, 13(2), 543.
4.Cheng, Q., Cheng, X., Ma, K., Zhao, X. *, Qu, J.* (2020). Offering the win-win solutions between ecological conservation and livelihood development: National parks in Qinghai, China. Geography and Sustainability, 1(4), 251-255.
5.Huan Li*, Yijie Wang, Qiaoling Yu, Tianshu Feng, Rui Zhou, Liye Shao, Jiapeng Qu*, Nan Li, Tingbei Bo, Huakun Zhou. (2019). Elevation is associated with human skin microbiomes . Microbiomes 7(12), 611.
6.Jiapeng Qu#*, Denis R ale, Quinn E. Fletcher, Yanming Zhang. 2019. Among-population divergence in personality is linked to altitude in plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae). Frontiers in Zoology 16:26.(TOP期刊)
7.Fabian Ewald Fassnacht*, Christopher Schiller, Teja Kattenborn, Xinquan Zhao, Jiapeng Qu*. 2019. A Landsat-based vegetation trend product of the Tibetan Plateau for the time-period 1990–2018 Scientific Data 6:78.
8.Huan Li*, Rui Zhou, Jianxiao Zhu, Xiaodan Huang, Jiapeng Qu*. 2019. Environmental ?ltering increases with elevation for the assembly of gut microbiota in wild pikas. Microbial Biotechnology 12:976-992.
9.Wang Yun, Jiayu Lan, Hongping Zhou, Lei Guan, Yudi Wang, Yongshun Han, Jiapeng Qu, Syed Asifullah Shah, Yaping Kong. 2019. Investigating the Effectiveness of Road-related Mitigation Measures under Semi-controlled Conditions: A case study on Asian Amphibians. Asian Herpetological Research, 10(1): 62–68.
10.Jiapeng Qu#*, Quinn E. Fletcher, Denis R ale, Wenjing Li, Yanming Zhang*. 2018. Independence between coping style and stress reactivity in plateau pika. Physiology & Behavior 197:1-8.(Science Trends报道)
11.Qu, J., Chen, Q, Zhang, Y. 2018. Behaviour and reproductive fitness of postdispersal in plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) on the Tibetan Plateau. Mammal Research 63: 151.
12.Li H.#, Qu J. #, Li T., Wirth S., Zhang Y. *, Zhao X, Li X*. 2018. Diet simplification selects for high gut microbial diversity and strong fermenting ability in high-altitude pikas. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 102:6739–6751.
13.Li H., Li T., Qu J*. 2018. Stochastic processes govern bacterial communities from the blood of pikas and from their arthropod vectors. FEMS Microbiology Ecology fiy082. https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec.
14.Huan Li, Tongtong Li, Xiangzhen Li*, Guanhong Wang, Qiang Lin, Jiapeng Qu*. 2018. Gut microbiota in Tibetan herdsmen re?ects the degree of urbanization. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:1745.
15.Qu, J., Russell, J. C., Ji, W., Yang, M., Chen, Q., Li, W., Zhang, Y. 2017. Five-year population dynamics of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) on the east of Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Wildlife Research 63(3), 51.(封面文章)
16.Jiapeng Qu, Weihong Ji, James C. Russell, He Zhang, Yanming Zhang*. 2016. The more the merrier? Multi-species grazing of small herbivores mediates plant community impacts. Biodiversity and Conservation 25:2055-2069.
17.Jiapeng Qu, Min Yang, Wenjing Li, Qianquan Chen, Zhaorong Mi, Weixin Xu, Yanming Zhang. 2016. Effects of climate change on the reproduction and offspring sex ratio of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments 134:66-72.
18.Jiapeng Qu, Ming Liu, Min Yang, Zhibin Zhang, Yanming Zhang. 2015. Effects of fertility control in plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) on diversity of native birds on Tibetan Plateau. Acta Theriologica Sinica 35:164-169.
19.Jiapeng Qu, Wenjing Li, Min Yang, Weihong Ji, Yanming Zhang. 2013. Life history of the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) in alpine meadows of the Tibetan Plateau. Mammalian Biology 78:68-72.
20.Jiapeng Qu,Ming Liu,Min Yang,Yanming Zhang,Weihong Ji. 2012. Reproduction of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) in Guoluo, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Wildlife Research 58:269-277.